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Impressive Graphite Fine Art Drawing

Graphic Art
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As an art form, graphite pencil drawing has been around since the 17th century, but it’s far from dead in the 21st century. In fact, over the past few years, this type of drawing has seen a resurgence in popularity among fine artists and casual doodlers alike. Artists love how easy it is to get great results with pencils, especially compared to charcoal or ink drawing methods that can be trickier to master.


Graphite is a medium often used in fine art, though it is most popular as an elementary school drawing tool. For example, graphite can be combined with colored pencil or charcoal to create striking works of art that are also easy to clean and store.

"Quiet Summer Evening" Original Graphic Arts Tempera

Graphite fine art drawing by artist

Bible Story Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov
A classmate Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov
The Metaphysical Muse - Light version - Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov
"Tanya" Original Graphic Arts Tempera
Monotype Art Technique
"Thickening Dusk" Original Graphic Arts Tempera
The Infant Jesus with the Angels Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov

Graphite Fine Art Drawings

Creating A Graphite Fine Art Drawing..

Creating a graphite fine art drawing is a time-consuming, yet gratifying process that can take several weeks to finish.

Creating A Graphite Fine Art Drawings

Material Required – pencils, and erasers. Pencils used for graphite fine art drawing are much softer than regular pencils due to their lack of a wooden barrel.

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"He and She" Original Graphic Arts Tempera
Bible Story Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov
History of the White Square Graphical Art by Sergey Dronov

A graphite fine art drawing by the artist

What you’re looking at is a graphite fine art drawing by the artist Sergey Dronov, who works in the medium exclusively. It was created using mostly graphite pencils and erasers, with some colored pencil thrown in for contrast and texture.

How To Create A Graphite Fine Art Drawings At Home?

Perhaps one of best things about working with graphite is that it is a relatively easy material to work with in many ways. You can create drawings and sketches in your spare time without an expensive collection of specialized materials or a studio at home. The key to successful creation of graphite art comes from learning how to handle your graphite well and using techniques that complement its natural properties.

What is graphite made from?

Pencil leads are not made from graphite, but from a more solid form of carbon, called powdered graphite. In order to transform powdered graphite into lead pencils, it is mixed with a bonding agent such as clay and wax. The mixture is heated and rolled out into thin sheets. These sheets are then cut and ground down to achieve different grades of lead hardness.

How To Advance?

Advance your drawings with a few simple tips. Graphite is a great medium for drawing and sketching, offering a range of styles and results, depending on how you choose to work it. When working with graphite, remember that there are three things that can help you to produce fine art drawings like those by Van Gogh or Picasso:
1) picking up good supplies
2) developing your skills in traditional drawing methods as well as your own unique style and
3) knowing when to stop…in other words- having confidence and perseverance.

There’s nothing quite like having fun!

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