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The Top 5 Reasons for Choosing Contemporary Painting

"Clouds and Mountains" Oil on Canvas
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Choosing a painting for the wall of your living room or dining room can be a difficult task, especially since there are so many different styles and subjects to choose from. In this blog we’re going to talk about some of the benefits that contemporary paintings have in comparison to other types and talk about what makes them unique!

Why Choose Contemporary Painting?

Contemporary paintings are often abstract, and this reduces the risk of a painting looking dated. They are also easier to produce and less expensive than other types of art. Many artists have chosen this style because they believe that it is a reflection of their own time.

Ten Reasons for choosing contemporary painting

1. Some people take up painting as a hobby because it is quite easy to learn and it only takes a few hours every week to become proficient at it.

2. The equipment required for this type of art is very affordable, so anyone can participate in this art form no matter what their financial situation is.

3. Contemporary painting is not just the pastime of wealthy people; it’s something that anyone can enjoy doing regardless of their income level.

4. Contemporary painting doesn’t require too much space, either, which again means that people who are less fortunate don’t have to worry about being left out.

5. Painting is an accessible form of art and even though there are many different styles, contemporary paintings are

Why go for more colors?

Contemporary paintings are often made up of more colors, which can be important for a variety of reasons. Some people might go for another color just to complement the other colors in their room and make it look better. Other people might go for more colors because they have a lot of furniture in their room that contrast with one another. And then some people might go for as many colors as they can get simply because they want to make their place more interesting.

What about the price of contemporary paintings?

The price of a contemporary painting is determined in large part by the artist’s popularity. While some artists are more popular than others, you can also consider buying from an established gallery or through a site such as Artnet. In this way, you can find affordable paintings while still buying quality pieces that will last for decades.


The best way to find out if you like contemporary painting is to take a few lessons. You can then decide if you want to purchase your own art supplies or not.

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