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Portrait Painting – What You Need to Know

"Ophelia" Original Painting
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Portrait painting has been an important art form since the times of Ancient Egypt, when artists would make portraits of their pharaohs and other important people. Portraits were also widely used during the Renaissance, when many great works of art were produced, including stunning pieces like Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David. Today, portraiture is still popular and can be found in museums all over the world, as well as on everyday objects like money and coins.

Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas

Portrait Painting by artist

Sir Anthony van Dyck

History of Portrait Paintings

Andy Warhol, Gustav Klimt, Leonardo da Vinci, Hans Holbein, Portraits have been an important part of art for many years and were highly influential on other forms of art such as landscape paintings or sculptures. Some of history’s most famous artists are also remembered for their incredible portraiture skills, including Da Vinci, Picasso and Michelangelo.

5 Basic Steps In Creating A Good Portrait

1. Select your subject and background
2. Block in basic shapes
3. Add detail to shapes
4. Finalize your drawing
5. Add color

With a little practice, you’ll have a knack for finding exactly what makes an image pop in your mind’s eye!

Portrait of a Man in a Wide-Brimmed Hat, early 1630s

Famous masters of portrait painting

Andy Warhol, Gustav Klimt, Leonardo da Vinci, Hans Holbein, Diego Velazquez and Cindy Sherman. However, before you start with your first portrait painting project, it is recommended that you learn about history of portrait paintings first.

Most famous portraits: The Mona Lisa (Leonardo), The Ambassadors (Holbein), Las Meninas (Velazquez).
Emotional portrait painting: Edvard Munch’s The Scream or Francisco Goya’s A l’affiche are full of emotions and a lot of information about their owners.

The Easiest Way To Start A Portrait Painting

To get started with portrait painting all you need is your materials, an idea of how you want it look, some confidence and some practice. While there are some very specific elements involved in portraiture, like likeness and texture, they’re also simplified by using shapes and values. Using simple methods and skills like shading, focusing on certain features and exaggerating certain elements can make your portrait painting stand out. If you can draw stick figures, then chances are that you can do a portrait painting – if only for yourself!

1 thought on “Portrait Painting – What You Need to Know”

  1. I have been a collector of original art for over 30 years. I am drawn to style that Julia Weyss creates.

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